
Composing a 4 paragraph essay on homeless people

The assumption is that it is easy to write a 4 paragraph essay since its only four pages. Looking at it on the surface it appears as if all you need to do is to write an introduction, two main arguments and the conclusion. That sounds really simple doesn’t it? But the length is actually very deceptive. For this type of essay your teacher expects you to include the same amount of detail as you would with a 6 page essay on homeless people! The subject of homelessness is a broad topic and so there will be a lot of information and research material on the subject. It is important that you don’t chose a broad sub topic, that you make it as concise as possible to ensure that you do the essay justice. This means that you are going to have to stretch your thought process to the limits. Here is some advice on how you can effectively compose a four paragraph essay.

  • Introduction
    The introduction should contain a killer opening sentence; this is what will hook the reader. Your aim is to grab their attention from the onset. When you are writing think about what would captivate you, what impresses you when you read something and holds your attention right until the very last word? You might want the opening sentence to be your thesis statement or it could be a quote, statistic or an interesting fact. If you choose this option, you can close your introduction with the thesis statement. The bottom line is that the beginning of your essay should start with a bang.
  • Main body
    This is where you are going to expand on your argument. Remember that you only have two paragraphs to really get your point across so you are going to have to be to the point and concise. You can’t afford to ramble in main body, you don’t have enough space. Make sure you only make one point in each paragraph or you will try and condense too much information into a small space without doing your points any justice. Make one point and elaborate on it the best you can by providing evidence from your research materials.
  • Conclusion
    This is your last paragraph and it should be just as good, and if not better than the introduction. The conclusion is where you connect all the evidence to your thesis statement and make a convincing argument for your reader. The aim is to create an emotional reaction to what you have written. You can also end your conclusion with a quote, statistics or interesting facts in order to really drive home the point.
  • Final thought
    The more you practise writing four paragraph essays the easier it will become to write them. If you want a 4 paragraph essay example so that you can get an idea of what you are supposed to write about you can go to your school library. Your librarian will be able to point you in the right direction to get you what you need. You can ask your teacher for a list of essay topics so that you can practice writing four page essays outside of homework and classroom time. According to statistics if a student spends an extra 2 hours per week studying he will significantly improve his grade point average.